Acupuncture for Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches vary widely by symptoms and severity. Migraine headaches usually are described as an intense, throbbing or pounding pain that involves one temple. (Sometimes the pain is located in the forehead, around the eye, or at the back of the head).Often they affect one side more than the other. Many come with pulsating and nausea. There may be sensitivity to light, sound and smells. Some feel it’s helpful to categorize migraines as Basilar, Abdominal, Hormonal, Ophthalmologic, etc. It is estimated that over 30 million people suffer from these headaches-- many on a regular basis. Acupuncture is an extremely effective, holistic way to treat migraines. Acupuncture can often decrease pain on the spot while the frequency and severity of these headaches are reduced over time. In those cases where the migraine is paired with other problems both may usually be treated at the same time.
One of my patients could always feel the migraine coming, since it was precipitated by pain over the left eye and tightness in the left neck and shoulder. Acupuncture released the neck and shoulders and stopped the migraine cold. Another acupuncture patient responded to barometric pressure to the extent that she could identify the imminent arrival of a weather front. Acupuncture improved her condition greatly. She could still sense the arrival of a weather front, but the acupuncture eliminated the migraines.
For these reasons, I recommend acupuncture for migraine headaches because acupuncture is one of the safest and most effective ways to get rid of migraines and restore health.
Call Acupuncture for America and Beyond's clinic at (562) 888-3399 to schedule an appointment to see how we can help you.
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