Acupuncture for Shingles
Shingles can be a very painful condition which may arise when the varicella-zoster virus becomes active. Shingles is the same virus which causes chicken-pox. Varicella-zoster virus, or VZV, is the known pathogenic agent for two diseases: chickenpox (varicella), and shingles (herpes zoster). This VZV virus does not have to be reintroduced into the body in order to cause shingles. It is common for it to lie dormant in the spinal nerves for years only to reemerge when the immune system is suppressed. These conditions include the presence of other viruses or pathogens, stress, lack of sleep, improper diet and a whole list of situations known to compromise the immune system. Acupuncture is an established and extremely effective method for treating shingles.One of the more problematic complications that can arise from a case of shingles is post herpetic neuralgia, or PHN, a complication in which the pain surrounding the rash persists for months or even years after the rashes have healed. Managing shingles symptoms (and PHN should it arise) is an area of difficulty for conventional allopathic medicine because the virus is directed at nerve sensors that are just under the skin and are often unresponsive to pain medication.
Acupuncture treatment for shingles will attack the root source of the problem and provide lasting pain relief. Acupuncture is already well known for its analgesic ability. What is not as well known is its capacity to strengthen the immune system so that the body can deal with the shingles and many other pathogens at the same time. Acupuncture may be said to treat shingles at its’ root cause…an immune system not quite up to the task of clearing the active virus.
Call Acupuncture for America and Beyond's clinic at (562) 888-3399 to schedule an appointment to see how we can help you.
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